Changes to IATA local consultative mechanisms: Establishment of Local Consultative Councils (LCCs)

4 September 2024

FIATA informs its global membership of changes to IATA local consultative groups, which will soon be streamlined and consolidated into single Local Consultative Councils (LCCs) established in every market. They will replace the previous local consultative fora, i.e. Local Customer Advisory Groups-Cargo (LCAG-C), the IATA Cargo Advisory Panels (ICAP), ICAP Dialogue Groups and the CASS Consultative Council. These changes have worldwide applicability.
What are Local Consultative Councils (LCCs)?
LCCs are local consultative bodies consisting of freight forwarder and airline representation, which will operate on an ad hoc basis in respect of a designated territory or group of territories to deal with both IATA accreditation and CASS issues. They were established with a view to streamlining and modernising the various local consultative groups, as well as to ensure greater efficiency in the system. 

LCCs do not have a fixed minimum or maximum membership, as this is determined by each LCC based on local representation. The objective is to ensure a balanced membership from airlines and local freight forwarding associations. 

The operation of LCCs will be in accordance with its specific terms of reference and a composition reflecting the scope and designated task(s) of the LCC. The resulting views of the LCC will be sent to the IATA-FIATA Consultative Council (IFCC), Cargo Procedures Conference Managing Group (CPCMG) and/or Regional Joint Councils, as applicable, for consideration and legal review.

LCCs are currently in the process of being rolled out across global markets, pursuant to their adoption by the IATA Cargo Agency Conference (CAC) in 2024, following consultation within the normal CAC consultative mechanisms including the IFCC. In line with the Resolution and FIATA’s status as the global freight forwarding representative body, FIATA is playing an active role in coordination with IATA to ensure appropriate freight forwarding representation in these bodies.
Action required by FIATA members

  1. Ensure freight forwarders are well-represented in LCCs!

It is crucial that there is sufficient and appropriate freight forwarding representation in each LCC to ensure that the views of the freight forwarding industry on the decisions concerning them under the IATA CAC Programme can be duly communicated and considered between both freight forwarders and airlines. IATA, in consultation with FIATA, and its local offices are in the process of communicating the new changes to local freight forwarding associations.

If you are a recognised local freight forwarding association and have not been informed of these changes, or if there is no recognised local freight forwarding association in your territory, please contact so that FIATA can support you.

  1. Strengthen the Forwarders’ impact – keep FIATA informed!

As per previous requirements for CASS Consultative Councils, the new CAC Resolution requires local forwarding associations to inform FIATA, as the global representative body for freight forwarders, when LCC meetings take place upon receiving notice of the meeting. The agenda, together with a list of the intended participants, is expected to be shared with FIATA. Such notification to FIATA should be made at least 21 days, or as early as practicable under the circumstances, in advance of the convening of an LCC.

Keeping FIATA up to date with the latest developments in your region is crucial. This allows FIATA to provide you with relevant support and effectively communicate your views at other stages in the process, such as at the IFCC and CAC. Always remember, together we are stronger.