FIATA's objectives are fivefold:
- to unite the freight forwarding industry worldwide;
- to represent, promote and protect the interests of the industry by participating as advisors or experts in meetings of international bodies dealing with transportation;
- to familiarise trade and industry and the public at large with the services rendered by freight forwarders through the dissemination of information, distribution of publications, etc.;
- to standardise and improve the quality of services rendered by freight forwarders by developing and promoting uniform forwarding documents, standard trading conditions, etc.;
- to assist with vocational training for freight forwarders, liability insurance problems, tools for electronic commerce including electronic data interchange (EDI) and barcode.
Mission Statement
During the 2022 FIATA World Congress, FIATA announced its renewed Mission Statement:
‘FIATA is the largest federation and voice of global logistics serving its entire eco-system. It fosters the knowledge of its members to ensure a sustainable and resilient supply chain’.
At the same time, a Vision was launched, to encompass the expectations of the future:
‘Logistics without borders for a digital and sustainable world’
At FIATA, we value:
- Excellence,
- Innovation,
- Collaboration,
- Inclusion, and
- Responsibility